The result Plastic Bags Have on the Death of Wildlife

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Do you know about - The result Plastic Bags Have on the Death of Wildlife

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Doing something as uncomplicated as using reusable shopping bags can save the earth's wildlife. A devastating estimate of turtles, birds, whales and other animals are killed every year due to plastic bags being mistaken for food like jellyfish. Once a plastic bag is ingested by an animal, it cannot be digested so it sits in the animal's gut, preventing other food digestion and resulting in an highly painful and slow death.

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How is The result Plastic Bags Have on the Death of Wildlife

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A plastic bag can verily take 1000 years before it breaks down so after one animal dies from eating the plastic and its body decays, the plastic is left behind and can be ingested by someone else animal.

Turtle Food

Approximately 40 percent of autopsies done on turtles confirm the death being due to plastic bags stuck in their intestinal tract. When plastic bags float on the water, they look very similar to jellyfish which are a beloved food source for some turtles. These deaths can be prevented if everybody would plainly use reusable grocery bags every time they go to the store.

One turtle in 2007 was found to have more than 50 items in her intestinal tract including nylon rope, plastic bags, cling film, balloons and candy wrappers. The less plastic that enters into the environment, the safer the wildlife will be.

Shameful Seas

A Bryde's whale that became stranded and died on Cairns beach in August, 2000 had an autopsy done to enumerate 20 quadrilateral feet of tightly packed plastic, primarily shopping bags, lodged in its stomach. So many whales like this one die in the ocean where the plastic finally is exposed back into the water for other sea creatures to feed on, creating a viscous cycle.

It is estimated that over 100,000 nautical creatures are killed each year because of plastic pollution. These animals are not dying instantly, they are suffering. Dream not being able to suck in any food and then not being able to eat because of it and verily just starving yourself to death all because of plastic bags and other plastic products. Every time consumers go to the store they make a known decision to whether use a reusable shopping bag or not. It is not understandable why anyone would still select to use former bags, knowing the harm that they are creating.

Changes Coming?

It is not uncommon to find flamingos, platypus and other animals, strangled from getting tangled in plastic bags and not being able to twist their way out. In Australia in 2008, a crocodile was found dead with 25 plastic bags in its stomach. Additionally, pelicans, seagulls and other birds are found daily with the same cause of death.

Due to these figures and other environmental concerns, many countries such as Bangladesh, Taiwan, China and Italy have whether banned plastic bags wholly or have issued laws to fee for them, development reusable bags the former choice.

Sadly, in the United States, plastic industries rally hard to resist inherent laws or bans, claiming that jobs will disappear. It is estimated that Americans throw away a minimum of 100 billion bags per year. Some cities, however are taking their own approach. Places like New York City are talking about imposing a six cents tax per plastic bag dispensed. Many stores already offer small incentives to consumers that bring their own Eco-friendly bags with them when doing their shopping.

Small changes are happening but you do not have to wait for city taxes or state laws to make a difference. Stop using plastic bags today to save the animals of tomorrow.

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