Defamation and Slander on the Internet

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As collective networking sites and internet blogs continue to increase in both popularity and use, the opportunities for defamatory and libelous actions increase proportionally. Defamation, sometimes called "defamation of character", is spoken or written words that falsely and negatively reflect on a living person's reputation. Slander is ordinarily spoken defamation, while 'libel' is written. Blogs or collective networks in which defamatory statements are written or recorded gift several possible sources of liability and salvage for the man whose character was defamed. In cases where the defamation is proved, damages are presumed and often enforced with liberality.

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How is Defamation and Slander on the Internet

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Operators of blogs are ordinarily immune from liability for defamatory statements posted on their websites, as long as they did not conduce to the posting. In 2003, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that a listserv moderator and operator of a website which allegedly published defamatory statements in case,granted by a third party was eligible for immunity under the Communications Decency Act (Cda). Batzel v. Smith, 2003 Us App.Lexis 12736 (9th Cir. 2003). However, if the online assistance victualer plays an active role in soliciting data from users that leads to the defamatory act, the operator may not be protected by the safe harbor provisions of the Cda. In Carafano v., Inc., a federal court ruled on the application of the safe harbor of the Communications Decency Act (Cda). The defendant in that case operated a matchmaking website known As part of its service, the defendant collected profiles of singles based on an comprehensive questionnaire. The plaintiff sued Metrosplash because of a false profile of her which an unknown user had posted to the website. The court ruled that by creating the comprehensive questionnaire, Metrosplash played an active role in developing the data that had been posted. Furthermore, the court ruled that Metrosplash was an data article victualer and thus not eligible for the Cda's safe harbor in case,granted to "interactive computer services." Carafano v., Inc., Case No. Cv 01-0018 Dt (Cwx) C.D. Cal. 2002) (subsequently reversed by appeals court). While operators of blogs and services are ordinarily immune from such liability, the more active the assistance is with its member's, the greater the likelihood of possible liability as a publisher of defamatory materials.

Another possible source of liability is the man who literally posted the defamatory materials. As with more general defamatory statements or materials, a poster can be held personally liable for anything posted which reflects falsely and negatively on a living person's reputation. Posting false and explicit claims with regard to a man will ordinarily be held as defamatory for purposes of liability. However, other issues arise with regard to the anonymity of the man posting the information, and if known, the jurisdiction in which they are subject.

Jurisdictional issues may arise in situations where the poster had no presume to expect that the effect of the posting would be felt in a inevitable jurisdiction. However, in defamation cases jurisdictional disputes are liberally ruled upon in favor of the victim. In Griffis v. Luban, the Minnesota court of appeals ruled that Alabama had jurisdiction over a Minnesota defendant who posted defamatory messages on the Internet. The defendant repeatedly posted messages on an Internet newsgroup attacking the plaintiff's pro credentials. The plaintiff initially obtained a ,000.00 default judgment in Alabama, which she was seeking to levy in Minnesota. The Minnesota court ruled that the Alabama court had properly exercised jurisdiction because the effects of the messages were felt in Alabama and that the defendant should have incredible that she would be sued there. An foremost factor in the ruling was that she had actual knowledge of the effect of the defamatory statements on the Defendant. Therefore, the Minnesota court enforced the ,000.00 default judgment. Griffis v. Luban, 633 N.W. 2d 548 (Minn Ct. App. 2001).

However, there are cases where courts have refused to allow the practice of personal jurisdiction based on defamatory statements. In a Pennsylvania case, the court refused to practice jurisdiction over a New York defendant who had posted defamatory comments about a defendant on an offshore betting website. The court held that since the comments were not specifically directed at Pennsylvania, the court could not practice personal jurisdiction over the defendant. English Sports Betting, Inc. V. Tostigan, C.A. No. 01-2202 (E.D. Pa. 2002).

The problems with bringing defamatory actions based on internet postings largely lie in proving that the defendant literally made the posting. If that association can be made, a much stronger case can be presented and jurisdictional issues can be tackled. An attorney who is experienced in cyberlaw and internet cases can enhance your chances in prevailing in any such case. Without the help of an attorney who can find and join together the evidence, most internet defamation cases will fail for lack of evidentiary sources and experience.

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