The Dominican Republic The Real Truth

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Do you know about - The Dominican Republic The Real Truth

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A carribean paradise or a haven for corruption.

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How is The Dominican Republic The Real Truth

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Nyc Matchmaker.

White sandy shore lines and gorgeous reasonably priced all-inclusive beach resorts.The Dominican Republic can offer you the best vacation of your life.

If you plan to get surface of your hotel room a good tour guide can be worth the money.

For a resignation destination it can be risky because the economy is very unstable and the dollars yo yo has left American products at about 10 times the their prices in the United States.When the dollar started going up from about 19 to 1 to 57 to 1 you could see the merchants in the stores and supermarkets raising there prices every five minutes. But when the dollar dropped from 57 back to 27 to 1 the stores owners didn't notice and just sat in there offices and forgot to lower the prices. The Dominican citizen are close to starving to death because of the prices of food in the stores. Which also equates to very high prices for a person vacationing in dollars or living in dollars in the Dominican Republic. The traveler can get nearby the gastly prices by plainly staying in an all-inclusive resourt. I had a stomach ache after eating my popular peanut butter and fried banana sandwich and went to buy a bottle of Pepto Bismol that cost .98 back home and I had to pay dollars. That gives you an idea of how prices are set.

For a bachelor looking for a girlfriend or wife, there is no place better. The Dominican Republic has many ready gorgeous women. And I don't say gorgeous lightly. The Dominican Republic holds the crown for Miss Universe. Amelia Vega was crowned Miss Universe in 2003. To avoid the wrong girl again the bachelor looking for that extra girl needs that extra tour guide who is also a professional matchmaker. These gorgeous girls are readily ready but you have to know how and where to look for them. Again you have to have the right professional guide for the job. See the reserved supply box listed below.

Getting nearby . You will need the forces version of the Humvee. I couldn't fantasize any worse roads in the world. You can go into the most exquisite areas in the Dominican Republic where their wealthy live and you will find mud roads with deep holes in the roads. The wealthy have no respect for their communities. Trash , Dominicans aren't happy if they don't have some trash in the street. Even in the most exclusive areas.

The people. The nicest citizen in the world. They are kind, friendly and gorgeous people. They seem to love Americans.They have an American raised and educated President. He was born in the Dominican Republic but raised and educated in New York.

Safety, In my plan one of the safest countries on earth. Less violence against their own citizen and tourists than most places you might want to vacation or retire.

Theft issues. They will steal your shirt off your back if your not looking. However, very microscopic armed robbery. Again it's a very safe country if you use base sense as to where you go.

Bank safety. The government seems to be more honorable than most countries. When A local banker stole 2.5 billion dollars from a local bank the government stood behind the bank and paid back the money, but in pesos. You wouldn't get your money back if a U.S or Western Country banker stole that much money.

Corruption. The banker stole 2.5 billion and walked away as free as a bird. He is flying nearby in his helicopters and cruising in one of his secret yahts in the French Riviera right now. While the poor citizen can't even buy a green banana to eat. Why? That's the Dominican system. If your going to steal... Steal big. You can walk away as free as a bird. Steal a Papaya and you could be gunned down in the street. Both events of course happened in the Dominican Republic. Moral of the story. Steal 2.5 billion dallars and you walk. Steal a papaya and you can be shot dead. You can buy your way out of anyone in the Dominican Republic with 2.5 billion dollars. But if you don't have 100 pesos for the papaya you could be in trouble.

But let's look at the over all picture. Would I advise the Dominican Republic for resignation or a vacation . You bet your life I would. I love it. I am a 56 year old bachelor and the young women think I am Elvis Presley come back to life. of course I have a strong resemblance and my name is Elvis and I was born in Mississippi and I later lived in Menphis. However, if you bachelors don't know how and where to look for the nice girls you can and will go home empty handed without your Miss Universe. I couldn't possibly pick one wife out of all these gorgeous women so I decicided to keep just keep them all for myself. But one day my vacation will come to an end and I will take my Miss Universe bride home to live in Graceland. I'm arrival home. The King. Elvis King. Since I can't write songs any more I decided to write articles. Elvis.


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