Dating For The 40+ Gay Man: 7 Steps To Success

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Dating can be hard sufficient at times, but the situation can be made that much more entertaining for those singular gay men who characterize the age 40 and up crowd. In a society where youth and beauty are extremely valued, many middle-aged men record feeling segregated and unappreciated in dating pools, manufacture it difficult to meet and sustain relationships with potential dating prospects. The question can seem even more compounded in the gay society in which the emphasis on youth and brawn is amplified, causing many mature gay men to feel undesirable and like outsiders within gay circles. They feel unwanted and that their age hinders them and limits the pool of men available to them for dating, particularly when they record being rejected by men in their own cohort for younger guys. Ageism, or discrimination against man because of his age, plagues many distinct layers of our culture--and it also can and does rear its ugly head in the gay dating world. This "over-the-hill" mentality is very damaging, robbing us of the opening to easily taste life, take risks toward goals, and make the most of what we have (if we let it!). This case is descriptive in the criticism of a previous 29-year old client: "I turn 30 later this year and then I officially am old! I'll never have a boyfriend now! I feel like my life is over and it's all downhill from here on out!"

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How is Dating For The 40+ Gay Man: 7 Steps To Success

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It is hoped that this record will prove all that wrong and furnish you with some tips for maximizing your midlife dating success! While the reality is that ageism does exist and there are obstacles in the dating jungle (at any age), these hurdles do not have to dictate the outcome of your love-life. In actuality, your stage-of-life puts you in an advantageous position to conquer this adversity. With your life taste and history, you probably have a greater repertoire of coping skills, resiliency, sense of self, assertiveness, self-esteem, and an immense sustain ideas and resources. This will take you far and makes you a very good catch!

So let's push aside those fears that you won't be able to attract man after you reach a safe bet age. Let's destroy that stereotype that all older gay men are unhappy, lonely, and camp out at the local strip bar every night "trolling." It's nonsense! You make your life what you want it to be and "you're only as old as you feel", as the "old" saying goes. Midlife is sexy! And here are seven tips to help boost your dating success as a 40+ singular gay man to enhance your readiness for a relationship!

Step 1: create Your Vision

No matter what your age, this is the most requisite first step. It's very important that you take the time to institute a clear and vivid image of who you are and what you want out of your life, along with your dating life. Are you seeking a long-term connection and a life partner or just casual dating? What does the rest of your life look like? What would your ideal partner be like and how would your connection function? Your answers to such questions will help give you the direction you need to accomplish your goals, giving you a measuring stick to keep you on track and collate your status. How much of a gap exists in the middle of your idealized vision and your current reality? Do the work that's needed to bridge that gap and begin the process of identifying your needs, differentiating in the middle of those that are negotiable and non-negotiable so you can more adequately screen hereafter dating partners for their suitability with your vision.

Step 2: Befriend The Midlife Crisis

Erik Erickson is best known in the psychology field as having developed eight stages of psychosocial human improvement that we all pass straight through as we age straight through the lifespan. Every age group has its own unique challenges and developmental tasks to conquer before being able to successfully move on to the next stage. According to this theory, such hallmarks that exist for the middle-aged man comprise nurturing close relationships, career management, household maintenance, creativity, and commitment to family and the community. Having a sense of purpose and passion and being able to impact the world with one's talents is a central feature. For more data on this theory, visit's_stages_of_psychosocial_development . As gay men, many of our developmental tasks were skipped or neglected because of our recession to "the closet" in coping with the homophobic society we live in. Thriving integration of your gay identity into your sense of self allows you to then address those developmental tasks that were suspended until you were ready. So the next step for you is study any developmental tasks that still want mastery from earlier years and start working at them. For example, a middle-aged man who comes out later in life will likely taste the immature tasks of exploring his sexuality and practicing man-to-man connection skills, causing him to feel like a teenager again. Perfectly general in gay male development, no matter what your age!

And then the next step for your success is to study something that you can do that will give you a sense of meaning and purpose and begin to express that. Find your calling and live it out. This will be your heritage of sorts and is a great way to solidify your identity. This will help anchor you during your dating trials and can be one of the top ways of meeting a compatible partner. Your passion and "zest for life" will be magnetic and you'll likely be meeting others with similar interests and philosophies in the venues you pursue.

The illustrious "midlife crisis" strikes those men who taste anxiety and apprehension at realizing they've lived half their lives and begin to interrogate and study what they've closed in their lives thus far, fearing that not much time is left to live their visions. Midlife is the exquisite time to revisit your traditional vision and tweak it so it more accurately reflects who you are now and the man you'd still like to become. Reframe this time in your life as a time for growth and opportunity, not something to be abhorred. You have operate over shaping your life into something spectacular and fulfilling!

Step 3: Destroy The Monster In Your Head

What we say to ourselves impacts our mood and behavior. The "monster in your head" is that microscopic voice that whispers (and sometimes screams) negative statements about yourself and the world around you. Our internal dialogue impacts either we look at life straight through a lens of optimism and hope versus pessimism and negativity. study your self-talk as it pertains to being middle-aged and your views on dating and gay men. create a list of all the thoughts that come to mind about these topics unedited. If you have such thoughts as "I'm too old to find love", "All the good ones are taken", "I'm going to be all alone", or "Nobody will find me attractive, I'm 50!" then your monster needs an ass-kicking. Don't fall into the trap of creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Begin creating a list of counter-statements or affirmations that will defeat this negative thinking. The more you believe these myths about midlife dating, the more you are setting yourself up for sabotage and it's important to begin entertaining these beliefs by taking stock of true-life success stories or by taking risks and creating your own triumphant victory. Refuse to be held victim to such deprecating thoughts and start developing a mindset around midlife as a safe bet time in your life to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Step 4: Embrace Your Age

There's no point becoming preoccupied with your youth "in the days gone by." You're as young as you feel and resisting the fact that life changes will only keep you arrested in your improvement and is a recipe for unhappiness and regret. Learn to accept all the corporal and emotional changes that accompany midlife and be proud of who you are and your story. Do your best to sacrifice ageism and ensure that you yourself are not behaving in ways that perpetuate this type of discrimination. For example, if you apply personal ads as a venue for seeking dating partners, make sure you are honest about all aspects of yourself and don't fudge on your age. This will growth your odds of attracting more compatible citizen responding to your ad; remember, it's ability and not the quantity of your responses.

Step 5: Align Yourself With The Right Venues

Where do you meet other ability guys?! No matter what your age, this is one of the most tasteless questions surrounding dating and it all boils down to your vision and values. While picking up other men in bars could be a viable approach, it's a difficult setting to do so because there are so many guys to have to sift straight through and screen to determine their suitability with your vision for a life partner. The key is to match your values, needs, preferences, and life purpose with a venue that has some of these qualities and characteristics. This way, you're surrounded by other men who share at least some semblance of your vision; that makes you one step closer to maybe finding man who'd be a "good fit." Examples might be volunteering for a worthy cause or advocacy center, joining a sustain group, participating in a sporting club, becoming active in a gay-friendly church, signing on to a personal ads site that caters to the middle-aged crowd, etc. The possibilities are endless, but self-knowledge about your vision and passions is a requisite key to its success.

Step 6: Build Your sustain Team & Mentorship Club

Nothing helps you straight through the trials and tribulations of dating good than a solid sustain ideas of friends and citizen who care about you. Invest in current and new relationships with friends and family to give you that boost and sense of connection that we all need. Make sure to look for other midlife gay men who display safe bet dating lifestyles or older gay couples who can be looked upon as role models to keep them descriptive in your mind and to help motivate you to see the possibilities that abound. You could even become a mentor yourself to a younger gay man to "give back" in some way and form other safe bet alliances.

Step 7: Be Proactive And Have The Right Stuff

Dating is not a passive activity. You must be proactive and go after what you want or the likelihood of success is minimized. institute a strong reserved supply bank of dating skills and behaviors that will promote the chances of more safe bet outcomes. Improve your communal skills, build more assertiveness and relieve with boundaries, enhance your self-esteem and body image, determine unfinished firm from the past, and get yourself into good corporal and emotional shape. Get yourself armed and ready for love!


Gay dating success can be yours in midlife, and at any age! By incorporating these seven steps into your dating plan, you're well on your way to expanding the odds of success. Know yourself, institute a safe bet and optimistic mindset, build your repertoire of dating skills and behaviors, and live your life to the fullest! This can be the best time of your life; don't waste an additional one minute!

For more data on gay midlife and dating, here are a few resources that might be of interest.

· For more elaboration on the concepts of vision, dating venues, and dating skills: "Conscious Dating: finding The Love of Your Life In Today's World" by David Steele. Campbell, Ca: Rcn Press. 2006.

· Literature on managing issues linked to the gay midlife: "Golden Men: The Power of Gay Midlife" by Harold Kooden, PhD & Charles Flowers. New York, Ny: Avon Books. 2000.

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©2007 Brian L. Rzepczynski

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Brian Rzepczynski, Certified Personal Life Coach, is The Gay Love Coach: "I work with gay men who are ready to create a road map that will lead them to find and build a lasting partnership with Mr. Right." To sign up for the Free Gay Love Coach Newsletter filled with dating and connection tips and skills for gay singles and couples, as well as to check out current coaching groups, programs, and teleclasses, please visit

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